No such thing as the product of the land contains and brings the sum of all things which are present in that very land. The earth does not produce by chance as everything is the synthesis of endless stories, of man, of discoveries, of mistakes and returns and further progress.
All of this helps creating a History with so many thin wires connected and intersected and eventually form a painting and a drawing that would not have been the same if even one thread had had a different colour or had been missed.
So for us a valley of vineyards is not a company but the final part of a history whose chapter we got to write then another one will follow. Ours is not just a valley like so many others since those woods, those mountains, those waterways and those drafts make it unique among all like a small world not to be found elsewhere, if not in other ways and with other characters.
What we are about to tell you is the story of our territory and its soul.