The Territory

"In all things of nature
there is something of the marvelous".

The earth
does not produce by chance
as everything is the synthesis
of endless stories.

No such thing as the product of the land contains and brings the sum of all things which are present in that very land. The earth does not produce by chance as everything is the synthesis of endless stories, of man, of discoveries, of mistakes and returns and further progress.

All of this helps creating a History with so many thin wires connected and intersected and eventually form a painting and a drawing that would not have been the same if even one thread had had a different colour or had been missed.

So for us a valley of vineyards is not a company but the final part of a history whose chapter we got to write then another one will follow. Ours is not just a valley like so many others since those woods, those mountains, those waterways and those drafts make it unique among all like a small world not to be found elsewhere, if not in other ways and with other characters.

What we are about to tell you is the story of our territory and its soul.

All of this helps creating a History with so many thin wires connected and intersected and eventually form a painting and a drawing that would not have been the same if even one thread had had a different colour or had been missed.


There is only one really nice way to enter the territory of Pietranico and is the least conventional. Not from the streets, with a tangle of paths and villages, which climb from the valley of Pescara and the Abbey of San Clemente a Casauria which in the early Middle Ages overlooked the area but the barrier of mountains that are the last bastion of the Apennines to the Adriatic Sea.

Here, behind Pietranico, Gran Sasso‘s imposing system gets thin and drops to 1,000 meters and then plunges in the gorge of Popoli, separating it from the ‘Great Mother’ (Maiella system), represented here by a big satellite called Morrone. Before this fracture though, true separation of the two giants of the Apennines, the outstretched arm from the Gran Sasso to the Maiella has a hesitation, a pass merely mentioned: a “forca’ called la ‘Forca di Penne’.

From here we approach the heights of Pietranico, seen from above with the eyes of the hawk (or eagle’s which lives and is returning to inhabit these places), shepherd’s or south-west wind’s.


Abruzzo is a wonderful region, not only for the presence of the highest concentration of parks and nature reserves, for food and wine and expression of multiple aspects of an area divided between the mountains and the sea, but also for an ancient story, made of medieval castles, Romanesque churches of great beauty, painted frescoes and statues that tell so much of the life of a place in many ways.


A kind of isolation, which results in a retention of language, customs and places and ultimately influence the character of populations, it also carries powerful effects upon uses, traditions and art, giving today’s Abruzzo a strong character of typicality. Even the absence of foreign appropriations demographically significant keeps its “race” in Abruzzi more than in any other region.


The entire region is characterized by the ancient traditions handed down from generation to generation and from valuable jewelry arts, hand-painted majolica, to embroidery with bobbin lace, Majella’s white stone sculpture, to “past” wine and gastronomy, the evocative and fascinating folk festivals that bring in Abruzzo hikers from all over the world, to witness the tale…


More than a third of the Abruzzo region is protected in a system of three national parks (Abruzzo National Park, the oldest in Italy and Gran Sasso-Monti della Laga and Majella Park), a regional park (Velino-Sirente) and thirty-eight local protected areas. This feature, which makes Abruzzo the greenest region of Italy, denotes the high quality of the territory but also the sharing that nature conservation has found, despite ups and downs, in the residente population. 

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