There is still much confusion and little information about this type of farming. Some people link it to esoteric or divination practices, but they couldn’t be more wrong. Biodynamics is nothing more than an evolution of organic farming, a system of practices aimed at recovering the soil as it was originally, i.e., fertile, and full of life.
In fact, with the biodynamic method, fertilization, cultivation, and animal husbandry are carried out in ways that respect and increase the fertility and vitality of the soil and at the same time the typical qualities of the plant and animal species, using only natural means: compost produced from solid farmyard manure, plant material as fertilizer, crop rotations, mechanical pest control, and pesticides based on mineral and plant substances.
By vitalizing the soil and increasing its biological activity, plants grow naturally, nourished by the soil ecosystem. Fertilization and soil care are therefore aimed at achieving and maintaining this balance.